The effect of Fe and Cu on growth and domoic acid production by Pseudo-nitzschia multiseries and Pseudo-nitzschia australis

Publication Type:Journal Article
Year of Publication:2002
Authors:M. T. Maldonado, Hughes, M. P., Rue, E. L., Wells, M. L.
Journal:Limnology and Oceanography
Date Published:MAR
Keywords:Batch culture, california, copper, diatom thalassiosira-weissflogii, hydroxamate-siderophore production, iron transport, marine-phytoplankton, pseudonitzschia-australis, pungens, silicate limitation

{Toxigenic pennate diatoms of the genus Pseudo-mitzschia produce domoic acid (DA), the neurotoxin linked to amnesic shellfish poisoning. We investigated how Fe and Cu affect growth and DA production by P. multiseries and P. australis clones isolated from Monterey Bay, California. Growth rates of these species could be inhibited by both Fe limitation (pFe 20.5

URL:<Go to ISI>://000174751100016
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