Studies on the marine planktonic diatom . 1. Isozyme variation among isolates of P. pseudodelicatissima during a bloom in Danish coastal waters

Publication Type:Journal Article
Year of Publication:1997
Authors:J. Skov, Lundholm, N., Pocklington, R., Rosendahl, S., Moestrup, Ø.
Date Published:Sep
Keywords:Algal blooms, Bacillariophyceae, bacteria, Biological poisons, Coastal waters, Denmark, diatoms, Electrophoresis, Enzymes, Fungi and Plants, Isoenzymes, K 03078 Algae, O 1010 Viruses, phytoplankton, Protists, pseudodelicatissima, Pseudonitzschia, Q1 01225 Genetics and evolution, Q1 01443 Population genetics, Sweden

Isozyme analysis of isolates of Pseudo-nitzschia pseudodelicatissima revealed nine putative loci. Six of the nine loci were polymorphic, showing variation among isolates of this species from the same locality. Several clones of P. pseudodelicatissima were found in Danish waters, and an extensive bloom of the species in 1992 in Danish and Swedish coastal waters was apparently polyclonal. None of the isolates was found to produce domoic acid.

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