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A. E. Thessen, Bowers, H. A., and Stoecker, D. K., Intra- and interspecies differences in growth and toxicity of Pseudo-nitzschia while using different nitrogen sources, Harmful Algae, vol. 8, pp. 792-810, 2009.
A. E. Thessen and Stoecker, D. K., Distribution, abundance and domoic acid analysis of the toxic diatom genus Pseudo-nitzschia from the Chesapeake Bay, Estuaries and Coasts, vol. 31, pp. 664-672, 2008.
G. J. Doucette, King, K. L., Thessen, A. E., and Dortch, Q., The effect of salinity on domoic acid production by the diatom Pseudo-nitzschia multiseries, Nova Hedwigia, pp. 31-46, 2008.
H. A. Bowers, Thessen, A. E., Oldach, D. W., and Stoecker, D. K., Genetic characterization of Pseudo-nitzschia species isolated from the Chesapeake Bay, Maryland USA, 12th International Conference of Harmful Algae. Copenhagen, Denmark, pp. 137-138, 2006.
A. E. Thessen, Dortch, Q., Parsons, M. L., and Morrison, W., Effect of salinity on Pseudo-nitzschia species (Bacillariophyceae) growth and distribution, Journal of Phycology, vol. 41, pp. 21-29, 2005.
A. E. Thessen, Stoecker, D. K., Tango, P., Morton, S. L., and Caron, D., The presence of domoic acid in Pseudo-nitzschia from the Choptank River, a Chesapeake Bay tributary, Second Symposium on Harmful Marine Algae in the U. S. Woods Hole, Massachusetts, p. 130, 2003.
Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith